Too technical for me to pursue
9/24/2005 11:25:00 pm
I'm trying something here...technical like, with a photo and uploading and other stuff that sounds as though it might be a bit too technical for me...
On another note entirely, I always thought that Wil Wheaton (Star Trek child star you fools) had faded into obselence after he got shunted off to some different planet in Next Gen. Apparently not, he has a thriving geek-focused blog: .It wasn't as interesting as I'd hoped it would be, and thinking about child stars made me get all moist eyed about Jonathan Brandis off SeaQuest, who killed himself last year. I was sad when that happened because he was a hottie geek (especially with the 90s floppy hairdo and hilariously 'futuristic' computer gear), but at the same time I always wondered if it was because he found out, off set, that dolphins can't really speak english.
I really have to pack my bag...
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