Sure, I've got some problems at the moment. Just the general shit that goes along with separation and getting ready to move overseas, and health grumbling along, and some tension in the office. A few weeks ago I was pointedly reminded that we all have problems and mine apparently aren't too bad. No one else's problems are ever as important as your own....
I love walking and being outdoors, and I love the idea of camping and being away from other people, but I absolutely refuse to poop in a hole. And I'm pretty bad at weeing outdoors. There's always a surprise gust of wind, or an unexpected ant. It makes options for long-distance hiking a little difficult. We had planned to be in Japan right...
About 18 months ago I became wholly obsessed with the idea that we should become campers. People who camp. And wake up with the dawn. The bulk of my prior camping-related experience consisted of being bullied by little bitches on school camps (there's nothing like letting teenaged girls assign themselves into small groups to bring out the best in everyone) and a weekend...
For a brief moment in time, we thought about moving to Tasmania. Mainly because there are penguins in Tasmania. But also the nature! The moderate climate! The apples! The house prices are so low! But.. the wages match the house prices...Well, it's a great place to visit, at any rate. The Friendly Beaches were not so friendly as a storm whipped up the...