
Retail therapy

1/24/2015 03:31:00 pm
I never knew that the Australia Day long weekend meant that there were sales on. How could I not have known this? To commemorate 1788, whatever you wish to call it, you should go shopping. It's the right thing to do.  Australia Day Shopping Spree by sosaidellie Allow me to guide you: Sportscraft has 20% off new arrivals, bigger markdowns on sale items,...


Thinks Shallowly

Call me Ishmael

4/09/2012 12:30:00 pm
Look, I’ll preface this by saying, yes, I know these are very much first world problems, but I donate money to the RSPCA! No one is perfect, and so I’ll take a Kate Spade handbag, some Calvin Klein pumps, and a pair of Marc Jacobs sunglasses, and die shallow. Material things, such as the above, are attainable; for the most part I’m held...



Click click kikki

4/08/2011 12:18:00 pm
On Saturday I was in Chatswood getting my bits lasered. We don't need to talk about that. At first, going to Chatswood for one errand seemed a really stupid idea, since it takes two trains and almost and hour to get there. Then I remembered that I live in Marrickville, and it takes 20 minutes to drive to the Metro which is shitty,...



Awesome Monday: snygg o hygglig

3/14/2011 04:51:00 am
When one is sore from the gym, and grumpy from lack of simple carbohydrates, there are some things that can improve the mood. (Apart from cake and sloth...such obvious solutions.) Snygg: nice; fine; tidy; beautiful; precious..etc. Snygg is what my imagined home will be. It will be colourful, but warm and cosy and tidy and clean and fresh. It will almost be in...



Awesome Monday

3/07/2011 10:04:00 pm
Old people are always complaining about the youngsters. I can feel myself starting to do it too. For example, I am always irritated by little gangs of high school students who block the door of the train, not getting out of the way even when the train man is blowing the whistle (though I find a hefty whack with a handbag, or an...



Awesome Monday

2/28/2011 05:34:00 am
My brother and his girlfriend have been together for a long while, and they’re going to buy a house sometime this year. They’re not getting married any time soon (in spite of the many and varied hints our father threw at them over Christmas), and their major reason for the house purchase is so that they can have puppies. Real puppies. As in...



Awesome Monday

2/21/2011 06:53:00 am
I just stumbled across the blog, 1000 Awesome Things. Some of the awesome things listed seem to totally validate my life! I'm so totally in agreement with Awesome Thing #306: Wearing pajamas outside of the house. It's like finally admitting to yourself that being comfy is worth it. Here are some classic ways to pull it off [...] 3. Walking the dog. Whether...



Gifts (mostly) under 100 dollars: for boys who cannot be pleased anyway

12/12/2010 12:00:00 am
I have come to the conclusion that with some people, like my brother, boyfriend and grandmother, there is generally a high chance of gift dissatisfaction. This is sad for me, because I genuinely like giving gifts, and I absolutely frigging love giftwrapping things, and when I put a lot of thought into a gift, but get it wrong anyway, it stings. My solution...



Gifts (mostly) under 100 dollars: for chicks who like stuff

12/06/2010 03:31:00 pm
It's that time of year again people. Obviously, I've done all my Christmas shopping, did it online in fact, because I'm retentive like that. But, I thought I'd throw a line to the rest of you poor schmucks who have lives and ergo, are not as organised as me. Now before you ask, I'm a chick, I like stuff, and I'm cheap, so...



Blog of clog

10/29/2010 10:57:00 pm
I just need to preface this post: I wrote this earlier today, and then in the afternoon went window shopping. It is now possible to buy "clogs" in Rubi Shoes (for 40 bucks. I thought about it, but I didn't buy any, because if I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it well. And also, fecking hell, they're selling them in...



A new hobby?

9/01/2010 07:51:00 pm
You may have noticed things have been all quiet on the gardening front. See, what happened was that my happy little seedlings- the lettuce, the spinach, the basil- they were getting too big for their seedling green house. Fights were breaking out. Things were getting rowdy. People were getting hurt. I transferred them to a new green house. A green house made out...


Tells an absurd story

A test of my dedicated readers.

6/06/2010 09:25:00 pm
Hello there, dedicated readers. I know there are at least two of you. You may recognise parts of the following story, if you are one of the aforementioned dedicated readers. You may recognise it from this post, which was written some time ago, and contained the following photograph.  I'm re-including the photograph for more than one reason: I'd just like to remind you...



Bunnies, blossoms, other nice things.

5/29/2010 01:10:00 pm
My Mergers and Acquisitions Department has been working overtime this week. Mr Plastic Money in the Accounts Department is not very impressed. But really, I did need a new wallet and some books. Really. I'm back to window shopping. Pay day is farther away that one small person can fathom (small as in figurative...because if you know me, and I'm pretty sure you...



Ellie wants: blue things

5/20/2010 07:10:00 pm
I think I might be conflicted. The problem is two-fold, and it relates to the colours sky blue and pistachio. Perhaps duck-egg blue as well, if you'd like to really complicate things. The problem.. perhaps problems.. are as follows: I cannot purchase a KitchenAid Artisan until I make a firm and binding decision between sky blue and pistachio. The KitchenAid is, after all,...



Ellie wants: green things

5/16/2010 10:55:00 am
I realise that there's a theme emerging here, but the thing is, I only get paid once a month. It leaves much room for the imagination, but little for the purchase of lovely items. And so, I shall stick to window shopping. Well, it's more that I must stick to window shopping or else my credit card takes a beating and we enter...



Ellie wants: yellow things

5/16/2010 10:17:00 am
Putting aside the fact that, for reasons which will soon become clear, I will never have any disposable income ever again for the next 30 years, and also that I cannot walk in heels because I have hoofs rather than small dainty feet, I have been spending an inordinate amount of time lately internet-window shopping. Like the above run-on sentence, it must stop....



A really serious and important decision must be made.

2/15/2010 06:39:00 pm

A foot of changes.

10/19/2009 09:16:00 pm
So ah.. you come here often? Things look a little different I guess. I am still tweaking and there are some slight problems with those 4 buttons up the top there (they don't work..oops) Here are some bunnies eating to tide you over until I have time (ie. my thesis guilt complex has lessened and/or I have handed in my completed thesis and/or...



Why a bunny? Cont..

10/18/2009 06:29:00 pm
That is all. ...



Why a bunny? Cont..

10/09/2009 10:21:00 am
Oh and just so you know... Thesis word count: 6477 Thesis page count: 27 Current mood: good Bunny desire: high ...